How to Clean Roasting Pan In 2023

The pan you use for your favorite Thanksgiving meal can become dirty and greasy after just one use. After several uses, the outside starts looking worn while stuck-on food debris continues to accumulate on its surface leaving behind an ugly reminder of all those past holidays gone by!

If you’re not quite sure how to clean roasting pan, don’t panic! There are many ways that can get those old stains out. You likely already have the ingredients on hand for this project and it won’t take long at all from start-to finish either so let’s get started right away before things start getting too messy or rank in there due time.

What is the best way to clean a roast pan?

If you have just made a roasted potatoes dish and find yourself with some newly appearing brown spots, then there is one thing that might be causing them—your pan. After use allow it to cool completely before washing off any residue from cooking in an overheated oven or burners (this could also lead).

Next give the inside of your roasting sheet good scrubbing under running water while tilting gently side-to free those stubborn bits stuck on tight!

What should you do if your pan is burnt?

Sometimes, even after you’ve cleaned your roasting pan properly and removed all burnt-on black spots from previous use it is still possible for new ones to form. These tricky stains may seem impenetrable but with a few pantry staples they can quickly knock them out!

After soaking then rinsing off any stubborn messes into baking soda followed by mixing 1 cup hot water together in a bowl containing 3/4 Cup White vinegar; pour this mixture over stain on surface–let stand one hour before scrubbing again until pieces are gone.

What is the best way to remove stains from a roasting pan?

To get rid of stubborn roasting pan stains, you can try the method outlined above by soaking your piece in a baking soda/vinegar mixture for an hour before scrubbing. If that doesn’t work then there is more aggressive cleaning paste made up primarily with hydrogen peroxide and should be used accordingly!

This recipe for removing stains is both simple and effective. Add 1/4 cup of baking soda to a mixing bowl, then add hydrogen peroxide until the paste reaches desired thickness (if it feels too thick or thin again respectively).

Next spread this on your countertop where you want cleanliness and let it sit for 30-60 minutes to work its magic before wiping everything down with a damp cloth.

If you want to clean your roasting pan in five minutes or less, this is the best way! First of all—rinse it with hot soapy water. Then coat the inside and outside well on both sides before letting sit for 5 full Minutes (or however long). You could also try our natural cleaner from Amazon which works great as well!

How to Clean Roasting Pan? Carbon Steel

When you’re done cleaning, make sure to put away your pan in an upright position and thoroughly dry it before proceeding. If there is food stuck on the bottom of this tool (acompanied by boiling hot liquid), then let these items soak overnight before wiping off any residue with soap or other cleansing agents in the morning.

Level One: Wipe it Out

The longer you use your carbon steel roasting pan, the more it becomes “natural” and non stick. This is because of all those wonderful little bits that settle on top after being used for a while which give off an amazing patina!

So instead cleaning this type out with soap or water might ruin someones prized possession depending how much they love their new purchase…just wipe down inside first then move onto wiping each side lightly using either paper towels until there’s no oil left showing before giving them another good rinse under hot running tap x2.

Level Two: Salt and Oil Scrub

You can use salt and oil to scour your pan if you have a bigger mess in it. First, combine two tablespoons of coarse sea salt with twotablespoons olive or coconut oil until creating thick paste; then scrub around surface paying attention corners where food may stuck-ons(or not).

Once thoroughly cleaned out dump out mixture leaving only clean towels on hand before wiping down entire piece again to get rid of any lingering residue.

Level Three: Use Boiling Water

When burnt bits refuse to budge, try adding water. Place your pan on the stove and pour enough tap or bottled waters into it so that there is at least 1 inch depth in liquid across all surfaces (including lid).

Bring this mixture back up to temperature before placing over medium heat for one minute while stirrring constantly with wooden spoon/spatula; remove from oven once fully heated through – careful as esteems can burn quickly!

Return saucepan straight away onto burner without forgetting any oil which will help keep seasoning sticky but not too much (1 teaspoon per 4 cups water used is perfect). Leave on low heat for 20 minutes then turn off gas before letting it cool down so that you can handle with ease. Drain all water out and proceed to washing as normal using either method above.

Last Resort: Steel Wool

If you are having trouble getting your pan clean, using steel wool can help. However, it will strip the seasoning from your pan, so only use it if you have to. After using steel wool, make sure to coat your pan with oil and reseason it. This will help protect the seasoning and improve the quality of your cooking.

Tips to keep your roasting pan clean

If you don’t enjoy all the soaking, rinsing and science that goes into cleaning your roasting pan—keep these tips in mind to ensure a proper clean.

  • Use foil or parchment paper. To prevent meats from browning your tray, lay down a layer of aluminum foil or parchment paper before placing your baking tray or roasting pan on it.
  • Wash after each use. Rinsing your clothes right away will avoid unsightly brown stains, and you’ll save yourself the trouble of thinking “I’ll get it next time.”
  • Don’t put it in the dishwasher. Though it may be tempting, do not wash your roasting pan in the dishwasher if you hope to avoid staining it.
  • Polish your dishes once a year. Give your dishes a little extra love with the Therapy cleaner and polish at least once per year.


Although we’ve looked at four different ways to clean a roasting pan, the best way is always going to be the method that works best for you. If you have a favourite way of cleaning your roast pan, please share it with us in the comments below. We would love to hear from you. Happy cooking!

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