How to Clean a Burnt Saucepan IN 2023

Nobody enjoys cleaning a burnt saucepan. The blackened mess is difficult to remove and can make your entire kitchen smell unpleasant. However, with the right tips and tricks, you can clean your saucepan in no time! In this blog post, we will discuss the how to clean a burnt saucepan.

We will also provide some helpful tips that will make the process a little bit easier. Let’s get started!



Standard table salt is a good option for tackling pans that are lightly burnt or scorched. This may be an effective way to get rid of the smell from recent burns, especially when you’re not quite finished cooking and need something quick before leaving again!

While it may seem like a daunting task, scorching your kitchen floor with salt is easy and straightforward. Simply sprinkled some onto the burn in question then use damp sponges to work up excess moisture from beneath until you can no longer see any flames or burning sensation anywhere on its surface – this should take but minutes!

2. For less burned pans, combine baking soda and vinegar.

Baking soda and vinegar are a great tandem for cleaning burnt pans. “A homemade combination of baking soda, vinegary tasting,” says Antoaneta Tsocheva founder FastKlean company . It’s quick; it will help you tackle leftover residue as well as odors–all without damaging your utensil!

“With a little baking soda and vinegar, you can clean your pan without any harsh chemicals to damage its surface or leave behind an unpleasant residue—and in just minutes!” says Antoaneta Tsocheva of FastKlean.

“Combining these two ingredients will help bring freshness back into the kitchen so that no one knows what stale food smells like after being cooked on top their stovetop all day long.”

Here is a three-step method, utilizing baking soda, to get your burnt pans looking and working like new again:

  • Step one—After that, fill the charred pan with enough water to cover the bottom. Pour in a cup of distilled white vinegar, set the pan on your stove, and turn it on. When it begins to boil, remove it from the heat.
  • Step two—Place your pan on a heat-resistant surface, then add in two tablespoons of baking soda. Leave it for a couple of minutes, until you see the mixture begin to hiss. Pour it down the sink and give the pan a minute to cool off before continuing.
  • Step three—Use a scrubbing brush to clean out the pan instead of detergent. Use a non-wire scrubbing brush to remove any remaining stains.

While the recipe says to leave it for a couple minutes, this could be touching dangerous if you don’t watch out. “Don’t let your pans unattended as prolonged exposure could damage them,” warns Antoaneta!


The Coca-Cola Company has been able to provide consumers with a number of useful products, even if they may not have thought about it at first. One such example is its ability as an effective way for removing burn marks on pans – which can be caused by candles or other hot surfaces!

If you’re dealing with stubborn burns and are in no rush to reuse the pan, simply pour a generous amount of Coca-Cola into your burntarium. Leave it sit for an hour or two before scraping up all that softens enough so remove any leftovers with ease!

Now that your pan is clean and shiny, you can put it away for next time. This simple hands-off approach will be helpful if what you’re looking to do isn’t too complicated or takes a long time!


The idea that a laundry dryer sheet might be able to help with stubborn food-burnt pans is not as farfetched considering they work on clothing. A surprising fact about these sheets, however, are their effectiveness in removing tough marks left behind by burnt foods such as pots and pan residue!

“Soak the pan in warm, soapy water and fully submerge a dryer sheet within it,” suggests Antoinette. “Leave for at least an hour then rinse with clean drinking-water.” This may sound bonkers—but I’ve seen people do exactly as she says!

5. Dishwasher Tablet

If you own a dishwasher, then chances are good that your pantry already has an ample supply of these on hand. To clean your cast iron pan, grab a dishwasher tab from the container and then rinse off any dirt or food residue with hot water. Gently scrub under warm tap until all fabrics are smooth again before rinsing thoroughly in cool freshwater stream.

We tried this method and were astounded at how well it worked! In less than 5 minutes, we had a clean pan that required no follow-up scrubbing with alternative methods.

We used Finish Powerball Deep Clean Tabs to remove the worst of grime from your pans – they’re warm water will gradually dissolve one tab as you go so there’s never any need for elbow grease or scouring agent on tough stains like food remains in crevices where soap doesn’t reach easily enough alone (or if using dish detergent).

The only downside? A couple whole tablet predictions might be necessary depending upon what type/size dishes these are but given their effectiveness+, price isn’t bad either!


The rules around what you should never use when it comes down cleaning your pans can vary depending on type of material they are made out of but there’s always going erynual good-practice restrictions that will keep things safe for everyone and preventcross contamination!

  • When cleaning delicate pans, avoid using metal/abrasive tools—especially if you’re trying to scrub off yesterday’s casserole. “I would recommend avoiding any sponges or pads,” says Antoinette “They will essentially scratch the surface of your pan making it more prone for future burns.” Instead use a standard dish sponge or an old toothbrush which won’t create unwanted scratches while being just as effective at shifting residue from dishes!
  • The best way to keep your pans in pristine condition is by following Antoinette’s advice and avoiding harsh commercial detergents. The chemicals found within these cleaners can absolutely ruin the surface of cookware, so instead use one (or all) homemade remedies listed above!

How fast do you need to act when your pan catches on fire?

If you want to keep your pan in good condition, then it’s important that when faced with a burnt-on food item like chicken or vegetables. You should handle them sooner rather than later so they don’t stick around for too long before being cleaned up!

“The quicker you deal with a burn, the less likely it is for any permanent damage to occur,” says Antoinette Daniel. Founder of Just Helpers cleaning agency who has been in business since 2005 and won multiple awards including “Best Website” from Times Online within 2 years time frame after launch! She also teaches others how they can start their own successful businesses too so if this sounds interesting then be sure contact her today!”

If a burn is spotted while cooking, it should be dealt with as quickly and efficiently possible. “If I notice something burning on my pan,” says Antoinette ‘then all that’s necessary is adding water to the spot until there are no more flames before transferring whatever food has become singed.’

Of course, the best way to clean a burnt pan is by trying out these tricks and following our guide! You can either deal with it instantly, or leave for few hours.

Tips for preventing your saucepan from burning in the future?

The best way to avoid having to clean a burnt pan is, of course, by avoiding burning food in the first place! Here are some tips from Antoinette on how you can do this:

  1. Use a lower heat setting when cooking. This will prevent any accidental burns and make sure your food doesn’t stick to the bottom of the pan.
  2. Make sure the pan is properly seasoned before cooking. This will create a barrier between the food and the pan, making it less likely for anything to stick and burn.
  3. Use oil or butter when cooking. This will help to prevent sticking and burning, as well as add flavor to your food!

Following these tips, you should be able to avoid any future burnt pans. And if you do end up with one, remember to follow our guide on how to clean it!


Q: How do you clean a badly burned stainless steel pan?

A: If you have a badly burned stainless steel pan, you’ll need to use a little elbow grease. First, fill the pan with water and bring it to a boil. Then, add baking soda to the water and let it sit for an hour. After an hour, scrub the pan with a non-abrasive sponge.

Q: How do you clean burnt pots and pans so they shine like new?

A: First, fill the pan with water and bring it to a boil. Then, add baking soda to the water and let it sit for an hour. After an hour, scrub the pan with a non-abrasive sponge. If your pots and pans are still not shining like new, you can try using a little vinegar. Just add a cup of vinegar to the water and let it sit for another hour. Then, scrub the pan with a non-abrasive sponge.

Q: How do you clean a burnt saucepan without scrubbing?

If you’ve ever cooked anything on the stovetop, chances are you’ve made a mess and ended up with a burnt saucepan. Whether it’s from boiling water for pasta or making a stir-fry, burnt food can be stubborn to clean. The good news is, there are a few ways to clean a burnt saucepan without scrubbing.

Q: Does baking soda and vinegar clean burnt pans?

A: Yes! Baking soda and vinegar are two common household ingredients that can be used to clean burnt pans. To use this method, simply make a paste with baking soda and vinegar and apply it to the burnt area. Let it sit for a few minutes before scrubbing with a sponge or brush.

Q: Does vinegar clean burnt pans?

A: Yes, vinegar is a great natural cleaner for burnt pans. Simply fill the pan with equal parts water and vinegar, and bring it to a boil. Let it simmer for 15 minutes, then wash as usual.

Q: Will Coke clean a burnt pan?

A: Yes, Coke can clean a burnt pan. The acidity in Coke will help to break down the burnt food on the pan. You will need to let the pan soak in the Coke for a few hours before scrubbing it clean.

Q: How do you clean a burnt stainless steel saucepan?

A: To clean a burnt stainless steel saucepan, you will need to fill the pan with water and add a few drops of dish soap. Bring the water to a boil and let the pan soak for a few minutes. Drain the pan and scrub it clean with a sponge.

Q: Does baking soda clean burnt pots?

A: Yes, baking soda is a great natural cleaner for burnt pots. Simply make a paste with baking soda and water and apply it to the burnt area. Let it sit for a few minutes before scrubbing with a sponge or brush. You can also add vinegar to the mixture for extra cleaning power.


So, now you know how to clean a burnt pan. But what if it’s too late and your saucepan is already ruined? We’ve got you covered there too. In our FAQ section below, we answer some of the most common questions about burnt pans. And finally, we give you some tips on how to prevent your saucepan from burning in the future. Thanks for reading!

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